Tag Archives: outings

the computer history musem

I did not realize that the Computer History Museum even existed until about two years ago. What’s so stupid about that is the fact that I work and live within a couple miles of the place, and I had no clue it had been there since 1996 (two years before Google came into being and swallowed up all the real estate around there, and then all of Mountain View basically). Anyway, even after I had discovered the museum, I still have not set foot in the establishment—shame on me. But tomorrow, that will change, because I’m attending an Intel-hosted special event that’s taking place at the museum. Attendees will get a sneak peek at the documentary, Girl Rising, which is about girls and young women around the world whose dreams hopefully will no longer be deferred because they are empowered by education, confidence and hope.

Still, I don’t think I’ll have much of a chance to really explore the museum itself during this event. Which is why I also purchased this Groupon—admission for two to the museum 🙂

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